Cycling as best practice for urban renovation. Study case: The city of Genoa

Francesca Pirlone, Selena Candia


This paper analysis urban cycling as a fundamental element of sustainable mobility. There are many International examples that clearly show how is possible to evolve modern cities into more livable spaces promoting cycling as a dayli way of trasport. Italy has to learn from other European experiences to ensure a better quality of life to its citizens and to renovate its urban configuration. The authors present different solutions that can be undertaken to boost cycling in Genoa. Several recommendations are reported to do a correct Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan where cycling have to be considered as well as the other mean of transport becoming an essential element for urban development and renovation.


Cycling, renovation, best practice

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CSE Journal - City Safety Energy is a semiannual journal (Two ISSUES per Year) published by Le Penseur in Brienza (PZ) - Italy | ISSN print edition 2283-8767 | ISSN online edition 2284-3418 - Journal registerd at the Court of Potenza (Italy) n. 219/2014