Feeding the City. Foodsheds and Urban Agriculture in San Diego

Claudia Mattogno, Manuela Ricci, Bruno Monardo, Pietro Antonio Valentino, Anna Laura Palazzo


‘Urban Agriculture’ (UA) in its multifaceted forms can give new perspectives to urban revitalization strategies, particularly for fostering social inclusion in contemporary, fragmented communities. The paper aims to explore the most recent general policies in United States and particularly in California both on research and planning practice. Plans, programs and local projects within the general context of ‘healthy food access’, are exploring new strategies to pursue a valuable framework for agricultural re-use and rezoning of vacant and derelict urban areas. The experience within the distressed neighborhood of City Heights in San Diego, CA, shows intriguing potential, matching social inclusion and physical-economic redevelopment.


Urban Agriculture, Social Inclusion, Healthy food policies

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12896/cse20140020025


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CSE Journal - City Safety Energy is a semiannual journal (Two ISSUES per Year) published by Le Penseur in Brienza (PZ) - Italy | ISSN print edition 2283-8767 | ISSN online edition 2284-3418 - Journal registerd at the Court of Potenza (Italy) n. 219/2014