Temperature Responsive Monitoring System for Smarter Energy Consumption in Data Centers
The need for energy savings in companies, especially in developing countries, encouraged the execution of this study, which presents an analysis of how the integration of free software and hardware with sensors can monitor and manage electric energy consumption in a responsive thermal system in a Data Center. In this way, the developed system can reduce energy input costs and improve the availability of the services offered by the Data Processing Center. The experiment was made using a temperature sensor, a non-invasive current sensor, Arduino Uno, Raspberry PI and Zabbix. Therefore, using the proposed system, it was possible to save an average of 20% of energy in a monitored environment when compared to an uncontrolled environment.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12896/cse201800100113
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CSE Journal - City Safety Energy is a semiannual journal (Two ISSUES per Year) published by Le Penseur in Brienza (PZ) - Italy | ISSN print edition 2283-8767 | ISSN online edition 2284-3418 - Journal registerd at the Court of Potenza (Italy) n. 219/2014