Bioclimatic simulation, environmental based urban design and architectural redevelopment in Mediterranean Area
The study presents a synthesis of the research "Bioclimatic simulation, environmental based urban design and architectural redevelopment in the Mediterranean Area", in which, among others, it was addressed the case study of the Tor Fiscale district in Rome, which deals with the theme of the self-reliant city, of the heat island effect mitigation, and of the energy and environmental efficiency of buildings from the point of view of passive energy efficiency and smart grid. The research is done through the study of climate, urban and local microclimate factors, that, in addition to the traditional analysis of a typical urban fabric characterized by strong historical, archaeological and environmental features allows to reach those specific goals. The microclimate area simulation is used as a decision support tool for the deepening of the critical-knowledge on the area and the proper formulation of objectives and strategies through a process characterized by a flexible and adaptive approach with the aid of retroactive feedback. The study sets out the specific biophysical and bioclimatic features to consider when developing objectives and strategies of intervention in a portion of urban tissue. The case study of Tor Fiscale is analysed in its peculiar characteristics of an area substantially closer to the center of Rome that is characterized by a strong presence of archeological and natural values, together with a context of strong environmental degradation and unauthorized buildings. The paper concludes with some design experiments directly related to the analysis, the simulations and the assessments developed within the framework of the research.
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Research: Environmental and bioclimatic simulation based urban redevelopment of Tor Fiscale district in Rome, 2014. Chief researcher Tucci, F., PDTA Departement University of Rome La Sapienza, assistant Calcerano, F., Cecafosso, V., Cecchini, C., Cimillo, M., Fiorentino, M., Gaudioso, Iacomini, F., Porretta, L., Romano, F.
Graphic contribution of Di Cosimo, F., and Conti, R., in research: " Environmental and bioclimatic simulation based urban redevelopment of Tor Fiscale district in Rome, 2014"
Graphic contribution of Giannetti, E., Di Curzio, M., Attardi, G., in research: " Environmental and bioclimatic simulation based urban redevelopment of Tor Fiscale district in Rome, 2014"
Graphic contribution of Danielli, F., Iacomini, G., in research: " Environmental and bioclimatic simulation based urban redevelopment of Tor Fiscale district in Rome, 2014"
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CSE Journal - City Safety Energy is a semiannual journal (Two ISSUES per Year) published by Le Penseur in Brienza (PZ) - Italy | ISSN print edition 2283-8767 | ISSN online edition 2284-3418 - Journal registerd at the Court of Potenza (Italy) n. 219/2014