Hypothesis of infographic digitization of the building stock: the innovative contribution of ICT tools.

Davide Barbato


For years now, the strategies of the Italian Government and public administrations are moving the interests of the clients towards politics apt to ensure the functional recovery and renewal of real estate infrastructures of which our country is extremely rich. The strong incentives regarding the energetic, environmental and structural requalification of the existing heritage in the construction industry ensure that the housing demand will be reduced recording a slow but constant decline in the construction of new homes and buildings in general. The asphyxia of the Italian real estate market is certainly due on the one hand to the economic crisis and on the other hand to the necessity to reduce the soil consumption for new buildings. However, if the new constructions are decreasing, the interventions on the built are recording a constant growth especially in recent years thanks to the economic and social policies aimed to an increment of the investments for the energetic, environmental and structural requalification of the existing heritage.
However it follows the need to prepare a management plan of the same building heritage able to guarantee the correctness of the implemented data and feedback of the same in order to define the possible planning guidelines for the future building projects.
In view of those considerations, in this contribution it is proposed a supporting methodology to adopt a new strategy suitable for improving the management of the building heritage and such as to realize the infographic digitization of the building through the implementation of appropriate information and Communication Technology tools (ICT), such as: the Building Information Modeling (BIM) and the Augmented Reality (AR): the result will allow to prepare a new design methodology of the building project - weather maintenance work but also a new construction - ensuring a growth in the productivity and an improving of the planning and executive efficiency of the work in question.


BIM, AR, ICT, InsidAR, Management of the building heritage.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12896/cse20150020078


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CSE Journal - City Safety Energy is a semiannual journal (Two ISSUES per Year) published by Le Penseur in Brienza (PZ) - Italy | ISSN print edition 2283-8767 | ISSN online edition 2284-3418 - Journal registerd at the Court of Potenza (Italy) n. 219/2014